Over years of hard work through collaboration and partnership, RAH has achieve extra milestone in all programme areas which shows RAH commitment and upholding of RAH core values Social Justice, Sincerity,

  • RAH successfully running schools and colleges in districts of KP, Punjab and AJK with enrollment of 200 students per year and 2578 students graduated from schools and college till date.
  • 3841 Hand Pumps and tube-wells are installed in districts of KP, Punjab and AJK for clean safe drinking water and hygienic environment for all.
  • 205 mosques are constructed by RAH with through sponsorships and financial support of its philanthropists.
  • 37200 vulnerable beneficiaries especially women, girls, youth and orphans along their families are financial and technically supported to contribute in household income and cover their expenditures.
  • 19593 beneficiaries are provided with provision of Food, Shelter, Clothing and medicines along with other Food (FI) and non-food items (NFI) to survive the harsh condition of man-made and natural disasters
  • 1597 Houses were constructed by RAH to provide shelter and ownership to the vulnerable communities of KP, Punjab and AJK.
All schools and colleges premise are owned by RAH thanks to Philanthropists eager to promote education among the orphans.

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